Saturday, September 18, 2010

a weekend away from soap – part ii – Jekyll Island

Hello island.  Where have you been all my life???  What a great place to visit.  Unfortunately we were just island/beach hopping on our way home but we were so happy to find this gem and plan on going back for a more appropriate amount of time (1.5 hours just wasn’t enough.)

Our favorite beach was Driftwood Beach.  What an amazing view of dead trees.  I know that sounds funny, but they were smooth and twisty both on the tops and the bottoms.  It looks like a giant just plucked them out of the ground like a weed and left them on the shore to die.

DSC_0353 Driftwood H T
Teagan loved it there.  Lots of climbing and peeking.  Exploring to be done everywhere.  It was like no other beach I’ve seen.

And the best was Crab Hunting.  Yes, I said crab hunting.  T quickly made friends with a boy who was a maybe a year or two older and his harem of little girls.  The girls (and T) would spot the crabs (who were crawling all over the trees and rocks) and the boy would swoop in and catch them in his bare hands.  Oh, to be young again.
Driftwood crab Driftwood Crab Hunt Driftwood Crab2
And then of course, I had to join in the fun but purely by accident.  As we were saying good-bye to T’s new friends, I looked down as the sand moved under my foot.  The boy didn’t believe me when I said he might want to bring his bucket for this one (last image)!

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  1. Oh to be young again on on Jekyll Island. Driftwood Beach is one of my favorite beaches. Hope you get the chance in the future to come stay awhile. Check out my site for more info on Jekyll Island - it's geared towards family adventures.
