Friday, May 13, 2011

Top 5: Chickens cont. - Coops

It all comes down to packaging, and when it comes to packaging your backyard flocks there are a ton of options to choose from.
A lot of searching came up with even more options.  The world of Chicken Coops in Google Imges is a vast one.  Luckily I found a couple of sites with lots of coop candy like:  Digginfood and Mother Nature Network.

We settled, and by settling I mean that my husband talked me into a smaller “trial” coop for our first go around, with using plans from The Garden Coop to start with.  Of course I wanted to go with the Garden Coop (on left), but I compromised with the slightly smaller and portable Garden Ark (on right.)
garden-coop garden-ark

After several trips to our local Home Depot (which by the way we are now known as the young couple building the chicken coop by more than 1 employee), a lot of patience on my husband’s behalf and some slight alterations to the plans (we added a barn roof, loft & exterior nesting boxes) we have a coop.  We still have to figure out the paint scheme (which is going to be bright, something I wouldn’t paint our house) & trim out the rest of it, but we have time.  The flock isn’t due into the coop for a few more weeks.

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