So many chickens, so many different colors of eggs, so little space in the coop. With the additions that we made to the coop plans, we should be able to comfortably house 5 chickens (my plan was to start out with 3 but I wanted to make sure they had plenty of space.)
I found a woman literally a mile up the road that has a backyard flock and she was selling baby chicks so I loaded up the family to pick out some chickens.
We got three little peeps (Ameraucana, Buff Orpington & a Black Australorp.) If you look and count closely, you’ll see that there are four little peeps in some of the pictures. That’s because 2 days after picking up our three, I was instructed by my dear husband that we should check to see if the Silkies had hatched. They did, and we loaded up again to pick up our fourth chick. Here is the family portrait.
Oh you're so close to me~ and we share two common interest~ Soaps and Chickens~ well actually 3 as I have a ton of children~ but mostly now all grown~ I'd love to chat chickens & soaps if/when you get a free minute~ Adorable Blog~!